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Innovation Lab Studios

Critical thinking, creativity and communication are the skills our children will need to be successful as young adults. Keeping these skills in mind, our Innovation Labs are dedicated educational Makerspaces designed to encourage the development of stamina and intrinsic motivation to stick to a task or problem that may not be solved easily or quickly.

Students use these spaces for various high and low-tech projects such as computer programming/coding, 3D printing, STEAM investigation, circuitry, and woodworking. Each class begins with a Safety Meeting where safe and appropriate use of tools is demonstrated and practiced. During their time in the Innovation Lab Studios, students learn to think like scientists, technologists, engineers, artists, and mathematicians.

Amy Cline circle headshot
Amy Cline

Innovation Lab Coordinator
& Environmental Coordinator

Developmentally Distinct Challenges & Activities

The Studios

There are two Makerspaces on campus for Lower School students; one for our first and second grade students, and one for students in grades three and four.

Each Studio is organized into various zones such as: fabrication, computers, electrical engineering, and architecture. The zones also provide students with developmentally distinct and challenging activities while engaging them in creative problem-solving, imaginative thought and collaboration—skills that are critical to success in a world that is increasingly driven by innovative and nimble thinking.