Academic Calendar

Athletic Calendar

Co-Curricular Activities

Upper School


Key offers 40 interscholastic teams and 84% of Key students choose to play at least one sport.

In the Athletic program, students find the balance between individual achievement and the needs of the team, between broad participation and deep commitment to one sport.

The junior varsity level focuses on skill development and inclusiveness, but also places greater emphasis on preparing students for varsity level competition. At the varsity level, the primary goal is the presentation of competitive teams. Key students value intense competition and at the same time they honor good sportsmanship.

The program seeks a level of competition that is inclusive while promoting the students’ commitment to mastering skills, understanding tactics, fostering teamwork, and developing character. 

The Upper School interscholastic athletics year is divided into three seasons as follows:

Cross Country (boys, girls)
Equestrian Team (co-ed)
Sailing (co-ed)
Soccer (boys, girls)
Volleyball (girls)

Basketball (boys, girls)
Indoor Track and Field (boys, girls)
Swimming (boys, girls)

Baseball (boys)
Lacrosse (boys, girls)
Sailing (co-ed)
Tennis (boys, girls)

Visual & Performing Arts

Upper School students enjoy a rich array of opportunities to learn skills and explore talents in the visual and performing arts. An extensive list of offerings, both curricular and co-curricular, are available to students.

Annual performances/events include a Key Theater fall production and spring musical; and spring Chorus, Dance, Key Strings, and Jazz Ensemble concerts. In addition, two gallery displays throughout the year highlight students’ visual art creations.

Courses Include:


Art I
2D Studies
Digital Arts
Digital Photography
Digital Video
3D Studies
Advanced Studio Concentration


Acting: Theory & History
Acting: Performance & Technique
Theater Design
Theater Performance

Chamber Choir
Music Theory
Jazz Band
Jazz Ensemble
Key Strings
Wind Ensemble

Outdoor Education

The Upper School Outdoor Education program is a unique and extensive experiential program that is student-centered and focuses on individual growth, community-building, academic integration, and supportive risk-taking. Through both required trips at each grade level and an array of optional trips, students are provided with over 100 hours of experiences that allow them to take leadership roles within a group, practice active listening and empathy, to be courageous and resilient, and work together in challenging environments.

Students live and work together for the duration of each trip and are dependent upon the contributions of each individual for the group’s success. These experiences help stress the “importance of trust, mutual respect and compassion” as described in the School’s Mission Statement. In addition, the program presents students opportunities for emotional and physical growth that go far beyond their day-to-day classroom experiences.

They are encouraged to ask questions, create their own solutions and ideas and explore the world around them. Through rigorous technical and interpersonal skills training, many students choose to become “outdoor peer leaders” and, in that role, mentor and lead the Middle School students on backpacking and paddling trips.

Activities, Clubs & Academic Teams

The Upper School Activities Program includes a diverse and dynamic array of more than sixty clubs, student organizations and extracurricular activities, including eight student affinity groups.

All students are required to participate in activities through first semester of senior year. Seniors are encouraged to participate and take leadership roles. Many activities are student-led, though all have faculty advisors. While some activities are perennial favorites, new activities that reflect current interests may be introduced by students and/or teachers each year. These additions keep the Activities Program fresh.

Activity time is incorporated into the school day, freeing after school time for sports practices and theater rehearsals. Activities are held two to three days per week on a ten-day rotation. Some meet once weekly; others meet more often. Students are introduced to the activity options at the Activities Fair, held in the opening days of the school year. At that time, students choose and sign up for their activities.

A sampling of the more than forty activities offered annually includes:


Environmental Awareness
Investment Club
Jazz Band
LGBTQ+ Alliance
Maker Space
Math Team


Mock Trial
Model Congress
Model United Nations
Peer Tutoring
Students Against Destructive Decisions
Spark, student newspaper

Students for Social Change
Writing Seminar
Zenith, literary magazine