all day
This calendar reflects all-School openings and closings only and does not account for specific Divisional closures
Current parents, faculty & staff may log in to view the full calendar, including specific Divisional closures, school and grade-level events and Parents' Association events through the Family Portal.
2024-2025 Academic Year Overview
Friday, August 23 | New Student Orientation Students new-to-Key or a Division (1st, 5th, 9th graders) |
Monday, August 26 | School Opens |
Monday, September 2 | Labor Day - NO SCHOOL |
Thursday, October 3 | Rosh Hashanah - NO SCHOOL |
Monday, October 14 | Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL (Indigenous Peoples Day) |
Tuesday, November 26 | Thanksgiving Holiday Begins at End of Day |
Monday, December 2 | School Resumes |
Friday, December 20 | Winter Holiday Begins at Noon |
Monday, January 6 | Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL |
Tuesday, January 7 | School Resumes |
Monday, January 20 | Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL |
Friday, February 14 | Mid-Winter Break Begins at End of Day |
Monday, February 24 | School Resumes |
Friday, April 11 | Spring Break Begins at End of Day |
Monday, April 21 | Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL |
Tuesday, April 22 | School Resumes |
Monday, May 26 | Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL |
Thursday, June 5 | Last Day of School (Regular dismissal time; After School Program Available) |
Friday, June 6 | Commencement 10:00 a.m. |
Monday & Tuesday, June 9, 10 | Snow contingency days |
This calendar reflects all-School openings and closings only and does not account for specific Divisional closures for conferences, etc.