The Zag Fund, formerly known as the Annual Fund, is named for who it supports the most, our ObeZAG Community.
Your donation to the Zag Fund allows for the growth of our exceptional academic programs, visual and performing arts, athletics, and outdoor education while supporting cutting-edge technology, equipment and supplies in the classrooms, labs and libraries. Gifts benefit every student and faculty member at Key.
Zag Fund provides vital dollars to the operating budget which supplement tuition income and other revenue to cover the full cost of educating each student. Dollars from the Zag Fund allow us to respond to new opportunities for students each year with a resounding "Yes!"
What is the Zag Fund?
When you contribute to the Zag Fund, your donation is more than a gift. The funds raised help us support the margin of excellence for learning, discovery and curiosity. The funds raised are spent the same fiscal year in support of the School’s current operating budget and are vital to enhancing the day-to-day life of every student and faculty member.
Can I choose what my Zag Fund gift supports?
Yes, this year, we have expanded the areas you can contribute to align giving with your interest. You can support a favorite program or area of interest by designating your gift within the Zag Fund.
Designations for Zag Fund Support:
- School's Greatest Need
- First School
- Lower School
- Middle School
- Upper School
- Athletics/Physical Eduction
- Campus Beautification
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
- Music, Visual and Performing Arts
- Outdoor Education
- Professional Development (PD)
- Student Financial Aid
- Transportation
School's Greatest Need
First School
Lower School
Middle School
Upper School
Athletics/Physical Eduction
Campus Beautification
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Music, Visual and Performing Arts
Outdoor Education
Professional Development (PD)
Student Financial Aid
Who is asked to support the Zag Fund?
Each year Key asks all members of our community - trustees, parents, alumni, past parents, grandparents, faculty and staff, past trustees, foundations and corporations, and friends - to consider making a tax-deductible gift to the Zag Fund.
What size gift would make a difference at Key?
Every gift, regardless of size, makes a difference to the Key community– participation is paramount. We are an economically diverse community and each family is asked to thoughtfully consider a gift that will be personally meaningful.
Key gratefully accepts both one-time gifts and/or monthly gifts. Monthly gifts are a great way to make an impactful gift over time. To enroll in monthly giving contact Carly Schofield, Director of Alumni and Donor Relations.
Obezag is “gazebo” spelled backwards. The name is a reference to the three gazebos found on Key's Campus.
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